Monday, 31 March 2014

iPhone 5C May Survive iPhone 6 Launch; 4S Could Be Discontinued Instead

For a while, reports of low iPhone 5C demand suggested to experts that the colorful, plastic iPhone was a "flop" and that it could get discontinued following the release of Apple's next-generation iPhone 6.

However, a recent release of holiday season sales figures has all but nixed the notion that the 5C is a failure, as the smartphone's selling power was reportedly unrivaled by much of the Android competition, including flagship devices like the Galaxy S4 and LG G2. These stats, paired with reports that the colorful companion to the Apple flagship 5S had acquired a strong following with women, and European females in particular, it now appears that the 5C could be around for a little longer.
Instead, as MacWorld UK calculates, the Apple smartphone most likely to get discontinued following the highly-anticipated arrival of the iPhone 6 is the iPhone 4S. As the website notes, past Apple patterns suggest the 4S, which will be four iPhone models old, will be unavailable for sale later this year, with the smartphone's 3.5-inch display and 30-pin connector making it old technology.
You can read more on MacWorld's reasoning here.
The 5C, which was recently released as an 8GB offering, reportedly outsold Windows Phone and BlackBerry devices during Q4 of 2013, along with every Android flagship smartphone—including the Samsung Galaxy S4.
The data, which was compiled from several sources by blogger J. M. Manness, claims 12.8 million out of the 51 million iPhones sold by Apple during Q4 were iPhone 5C. It also suggests consumers bought two times more 5C than all BlackBerry smartphones combined (6 million), more 5C than all of Nokia's Windows Phone models sold (8.2 million) and once again, more 5C handsets than Galaxy S4 handsets (9 million). The LG G2, meanwhile, only accounted for 2.3 million units in the quarter, meaning the 5S's colorful companion outsold the LG G2 and Galaxy S4 combined.
Despite the "flop" label it has been handed, the numbers certainly don't lie.


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