Since the Aam Aadmi Party is all set to form the government in Delhi, we enlist key promises the party has made.
Delhi Janlokpal Bill
Resolved to bring Delhi Jan Lokpal Bill on coming to power. Delhi Lokpal will have the power to investigate and prosecute those charged with corruption.
Swaraj Bill
AAP will also bring the Swaraj Bill to devolve powers to the people.Decisions affecting the local community will be taken by citizens and implemented by their secretariat.
Full statehood for Delhi
AAP will push for full statehood for Delhi. This will make bodies like DDA, MCD & Delhi Police accountable to the elected Delhi government.
Electricity bills to be cut by half
AAP will ask CAG to do an audit of discoms, and convinced that they are fattening the costs, AAP will reduce electricity bills by half.
Discom portability
AAP has promised to provide consumers the right to choose between electricity providers.This, they say, will create competition, leading to better services and lower tariffs.
Delhi to be made a solar city
AAP will facilitate a phased shift to renewable and alternate sources of energy.
Water as a right
AAP will provide universal access to clean drinking water at an affordable price. This, they say, is every citizen's right.
Free water
AAP to give free 'lifeline' water of up to 20 kilolitres (20,000 litres) per month to every household. But once consumption exceeds 20 kilolitres, full amount to be charged. Annual 10% tariff hike will be abolished & hikes will be after due consideration.
Reviving Yamuna
Will ensure 100% collection and treatment of Delhi's sewage through an extensive sewer network and construction of new functional sewage treatment plants.
Public loos
AAP will build 1.5 lakh toilets in slums across the city and 50,000 toilets in public spaces.Of them, 1 lakh toilets will be for women.
New schools
AAP will build 500 new schools with a special focus on secondary and senior secondary schools to ensure that every Delhi child has easy access to quality education.
New colleges
AAP will open 20 new colleges under Delhi administration on the outskirts of the city in partnership with the villages of Delhi.
Regulate fees
AAP to regulate private school fees by publishing the fee structures & accounts online.Capitation fee will be abolished.
All govt services & forms to be available online & on cellphone.Data on govt projects, progress, accounts & personnel will be posted online.
Smart Delhi
AAP promised free Wi-Fi in city. It will also install 10,000 CCTVs in DTC buses, bus stands and in crowded places as a deterrent against crime.
Source : TOI
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